
Revamping travel booking with a new design and website

$1.1M GMV per month
Lead UX designer,
6 months
Figma / Webflow

Joybe, a luxury adventure travel company, struggled with its website design. Instead of showcasing the exclusive and unique nature of their trips, the site resembled a basic booking platform. This design issue failed to communicate the luxury experience Joybe offers, missing the mark with their target audience. The challenge is to redesign the website to better reflect Joybe's high-end, unique adventure brand.


As a luxury traveler, I visit Joybe to find unique and exclusive adventure experiences that reflect high-end quality and sophistication.


Travelers struggle to see the luxury and uniqueness Joybe promises because the website looks like a basic booking platform, causing them to leave the site unsatisfied.


Designed a luxurious look for the marketing website and customer dashboard, featuring elegant graphics, refined typography, and a cohesive color scheme.

Built the website on Webflow and integrated Stripe, ensuring responsive design and smooth, secure payment processing.

Design approach

The design approach prioritized active client participation to ensure their preferences were fully integrated into the process.

1. Learning what clients like for look and feel

One of the main challenges was understanding what the client wanted in terms of look and feel. To address this, I created mood boards using competitors' websites, focusing on color, layout, typography, and imagery to determine the client's preferences.

2. Exploring website design

Once the look and feel preferences were established, the next step was to experiment with them and develop a homepage design concept.

3. Comparing information between Joybe and its competitors

Before starting wireframing, I needed to understand what kind of information competitors include on their websites. This would help identify opportunities for improvement and guide our design.

4. Designing the website and dashboard

I skipped traditional grey-box wireframing since we had already agreed on the design concept. Instead, I began working on the actual design to provide a clearer view of how the website and dashboard would look and function.

5. Turning designs into the Webflow project

To minimize development costs, the client chose Webflow for the MVP. However, this introduced additional complexity with custom checkout and Stripe integration. Additionally, the website’s CMS needed to support a fully customized travel experience.


The project was completed successfully, even though it was not launched into the market. I delivered the MVP on Webflow, incorporating all required functionalities and saving costs compared to custom development. The client was satisfied with the results and decided to commission an additional project.

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